July 2024 Newsletter

 July 2024 Newsletter

In June, we celebrated Senior’s month with our residents with a choir performance, unique certificates of achievement, a strawberry social, and Elvis Night! For July, we are keeping that fun energy going, looking forward to various outings throughout the month, and our LaPointe-Fisher Olympics on July 26th! We hope everyone enjoys the warm weather and laughter that comes with summer now that school is out!

The reports from the Leadership Team:

Dahlia (Administrator)

Summer is here, and I hope you are all enjoying the hot, sunny days. This season is perfect for leisurely activities such as picnicking in the park, finding shade under a majestic tree and immersing yourself in a captivating book, expressing your creativity through an outdoor painting session, or simply basking in the soothing melodies of chirping birds. Take this opportunity to truly unwind, have fun, and make the most of summer. As the activity staff would say, “Have fun in the sun.”

Karla (Director of Nursing) 

I just want to share a friendly reminder to ensure that appointments with physicians are booked in advance. They run multiple practices and may not be readily available on short notice. Enjoy the summer weather!

MaryAnn (Assistant Director of Nursing: Infection, Prevention and Control (IPAC) Lead)

It has been quiet on the infection control front in June, and we hope this continues through the summer months of July and August. All residents with consent and eligibility to receive the Shingrix vaccine have received them. We plan to start collecting consents for fall Influenza vaccine and COVID-19 booster in August. Thank you for your continued excellence practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette while on site and keeping away if ill.  Many wishes for a happy, healthy, and fun July!

Kathy (Business Manager) 

The enclosed July billing reflects the recently announced Long Term Care Home Accommodation Charges. The Ministry released the Rate Reduction Subsidy Applications on June 19, 2024. If your loved one is eligible for a subsidy and you received the application please return it to the Business Office as soon as possible for processing. Some residents may have received additional GAINS payments during 2023 and if this applies, we will require a ‘GAINS Rate Statement Letter’ from the Ministry of Finance to complete your 2024-2025 Rate Reduction. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Kathy Godding at the Business Office.

Sayward (Environmental Services/Activation Manager) 

The Environmental Services department continues to put their best foot forward to provide a clean Home for the residents.

We are excited to welcome Dana and Anjali, our two new Full-Time Activity Aides! We know they will do great in supporting the residents in one to one and group activities. We thank Dalton and Aleena for their time with us at the home, and wish them the best in their future endeavors.

This July, the Activities department will be having lots of fun during outings to Riverside Park, Walmart, and Bowling! We are also excited to have pastoral services most weeks, and to host our LaPointe-Fisher Olympics on July 26th to commemorate the beginning of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. We look forward to sharing these events with you!

Christine (Food Service and Nutrition Manager)

We are continuing to review the Spring-Summer menus, and are making some adjustments to best support the residents’ enjoyment of meals!

Reg (Maintenance Manager)  

I am continuing to keep the building and equipment in good repair, and have nothing specific to report. Have a great month!

Tina (Resident Care Plan Coordinator)

I am auditing the current documentation, physiotherapy, and restorative care processes within the home to ensure accuracy and create the highest possible level of care for the residents.


Happy Canada Day and Enjoy the Sunny Weather!

LaPointe-Fisher Nursing Home - Pride In Caring

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