The Canadian Institute for Health Information provides LaPointe-Fisher with quarterly indicators that are specific to the long term care sector and allow us to benchmark and monitor our performance against other homes, as well as the province. These indicators, as well as Ministry of LTC inspection reports, internal monitoring records and our resident/family surveys, are what we use to help us identify our priority areas.
Our priority areas for the current fiscal year include:
- Unnecessary visits to the emergency department – This is a priority area that has been re-added for 2024. Despite our progress in 2023, we are still above the provincial average and our goal is to meet this provincial average by the end of the fiscal year. Most of these visits are due to falls with injury, UTIs, COPD exacerbations, or pneumonia.
- Residents responding positively to “What number would you use to rate how well staff listen to you?” – This question is part of our resident/family survey and we noticed a sharp decline in this rating relative to last year. We’re addressing this by introducing new education on resident-centered care for our staff, and making the completion of our surveys easier for our families. This should boost our survey submission rates and give us more complete data for monitoring our progress.
- Falls in the past 30 days – This metric is calculated by taking the percent of residents in the home who have fallen within the previous 30 days. We are approximately 4% above the provincial average and planning to reduce this metric by reviewing individual fall events through our falls committee and trialing new prevention measures.
For a full version of the Quality Improvement Plan, click here: QIP Narrative – Workplan March 2024