April 2024 Newsletter

April 2024 Newsletter

A total eclipse of the sun is occurring Monday, April 8th, starting at 2 p.m. and ending at 430p.m with maximum coverage at about 3:20 p.m. according to a Guelph physicist. We are thrilled to have the proper IOS-certified eyeglasses for this monumental celestial event. A reminder to all, not to look at this without special glasses since it could damage your eyes. We have our clinical support nurse Melissa to thank for these glasses since she placed an order for them long ago.  We are excited that our residents will have the opportunity to witness this spectacle under the supervision of our wonderful staff.

The reports from the Leadership Team:

Administrator Dahlia- Spring has arrived, and I hope everyone had a happy Easter! As you may know, the Ministry conducted an on-site visit in February 2024. The public version of the Ministry report has been given to the Presidents of the Resident Council and Family Council. Additionally, the report has been posted in the blue binder on the Ministry board for your reference.
The Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) report for our home was submitted on March 22, 2024, after consulting with the Resident Council, Family Council, staff, and contract services. The report has been posted on the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) board for your reference. Thank you for your valuable input.
Our hairdresser, Susan, has been doing an excellent job in taking care of our residents’ hair. As you may be aware, the cost of supplies and other expenses have increased over time. Therefore, we have decided to increase the prices of our home’s hair service, effective from May 1, 2024.
Finally, I have some important news to share with you. Our Activity Manager, Carol Begg, will be retiring on April 25th, 2024. We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Carol on her decision to retire and wish her the very best in all her future endeavors. Carol has been an integral part of our team and has contributed immensely to the welfare of our residents, staff, and families. Her unwavering commitment, hard work, and dedication are greatly appreciated, and she will be missed by all.

Director of Nursing Karla- We’re pleased to report that we have had some great successes with our mandatory programs. Our indicators for responsive behaviours have drastically decreased. Our physicians continue to reduce medications to promote quality of life. Our staff have employed many preventative measures to ensure residents are free from pressure injuries. These are just a few examples of the great work being done by the team here at LaPointe-Fisher! We are continuing with more educational initiatives and policy updates so our residents receive the best care possible. 

Assistant Director of Nursing Infection, Prevention and Control (IPAC) Lead MaryAnn- Thank you to our staff and visitors for wearing masks for an extended period of time in our home.  It was requested by our Resident’s Council to do so. On April 1st they may come off.  If you are uncertain about your health status, please continue to wear masks when visiting to reduce the risk of transmission. Education to staff regarding infection prevention and control has been ongoing. Our staff uses new signage to trigger wearing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Some microorganisms circulate more easily than others, so wearing the proper PPE helps protect everyone.

Business Manager Kathy- Reminder if your loved one is receiving a government subsidy, please hold onto your 2023 Notice of Assessment (NOA) when received for the annual Rate Reduction application that will be completed later this spring.

Environmental Service Manager Sayward- We are spring cleaning our laundry room and have some clothing that needs to be claimed.  If you have recently moved into the home and did not get all your clothes labeled or have acquired new clothes, please see the lost and found rack located in the laundry room. At times we have this rack situated in the area just as you get off the basement elevator.  

Food Service and Nutrition Manager Christine- I have met with the resident council for their input into the spring-summer menus. They are anticipated to come into effect the first week of May.

Maintenance Manager Reg- I continue to keep the home in good repair with the assistance of Dwayne, my assistant.

Resident Care Plan Co-ordinator Leanne- The main goal in the home is for all residents to achieve through collaborative efforts a maximal level of well-being, safety, socialization, and functioning. Alternately, the home engages in a palliative philosophy of care. Auditing continues to ensure best outcomes..

Activation Manger Carol- We are once again thrilled with the staff event committee that hosted lovely Easter activities for the enjoyment of both the staff and the residents.  It entailed a colouring contest and a few guessing games where the winners of each category were presented with gift baskets compliments of our community sponsors: The Flour Barrell (located in downtown Guelph), and Ever Smiles Gardens (located in Fergus).
We are hosting a volunteer appreciation luncheon for our volunteers of the past, current, and perhaps future on April 25th.  This is our first get-together since the pandemic hit in March 2020.  It is a way to recognize volunteers coming from the community. If either you or someone you know is looking to volunteer, please reach out to us.  We recognize that our staff from time to time volunteer their services, and many go above and beyond with their kindness to the residents. Our staff will be recognized at their own event for their dedication during our Long-Term Care Week in May.

Happy April Fool’s Day. Safe solar eclipse viewing. Thanks to Volunteers Everywhere.

LaPointe-Fisher Nursing Home - Pride In Caring

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